
#FDBeauty Brush Guide: Angled Brush

beauty school

dhnshrtn・24 Sep 2014


Our video Brush Guide series continues, and this time we brush over (haha, get it?) a brush that’s probably one of the more multipurpose ones. It’s great as an eyebrow filler and eyeliner — but more than that, it will happily cooperate with multiple product texture. For example, It also works really well for applying gel eye liner; but it’s ideal for filling in your eyebrows with the product of your choice too, let it be powder, gel, or cream.

One of our favorite eyebrow products it the Benefit Brow Zings ; while that product already comes with its own wee applicator that does a decent enough job, the product will almost always look much better when piled on the brow bone with an angled brush.

Ready to see the angled brush do its thing? Look no further than the video below!