
#FDBeauty Video: Hello, Yellow Eyeshadow!

beauty school

dhnshrtn・09 Sep 2014


Bright eyeshadow shade are almost exclusively associated with summer and we’ve kinda moved on into fall territory, but who cares? Wear whatever you want, I’m not your mom.

You know who wears whatever she wants to wear? BEYONCE. Yep, I’m going there!

telephone bebe

We are still in the thick of Beyonce Appreciation Month, and for today’s #FDBeauty Video, we are going to recreate the yellow eyeshadow that Queen Bey sported during her bit in Lady Gaga’s Telephone music video.

Yellow eyeshadow can look fantastic, as long as you accompany it with a solid dark eyeliner to keep from looking jaundiced. Check out how amazing it looked on a Female Daily member in this demonstration below: