
What's Your Desert Island Sunscreen?

skin care

dhnshrtn・27 Jan 2014


I like to play a fun game with my friends: we would get together and I’d ask, “If you were stuck on a desert island and could only bring one book/person/type of dish to spend the rest of your life with on that desert island, what would it be?”

My desert island book/person/food: Bertrand Russell's The Conquest of Happiness, Tom Hanks in Cast Away, Japanese bento.

And since SalvatoreG’s article about sunscreen and SPF was published, I started wondering what my colleagues at the office would take with them for their desert island SPF: if they could only take one sunscreen with them to a desert island, which one would it be? I surveyed the ladies of FDHQ and this is what they had to say: (more…)