
Different Ways to Style Your Crocs


putzsky・23 Jul 2012


Not convinced that you can wear your pair of Crocs for different occasions? Take it from Tania, the Indonesian winner of New Crocs New You Makeover Contest. She had the help of Winky Wijaya, a reputable fashion stylist, to create the different look with her new collection of pairs of Crocs.

Before I begin showing you how to wear your Crocs to different occasions, let me tell you first how lucky Tania is. As the winner of the contest, she’s entitled for a makeover with IDR 22 million in value. Wow, I wish I was the winner! Not only that, she also got Winky Wijaya to aid her in spending that money to create the ‘new’ her, while still maintaining the Tania’s personal style. Sadly, my part is only as part of her entourage *cry*. No shopping for me.

What is a makeover article without the before and after picture, right?

If she usually spends  her day from 9 to 5 at her desk in the office, that day she spent it at Senayan City doing nothing but SHOPPING! She shopped at Mango, Debenhams, and of course, Crocs and got a makeover from Irwan Team at Senayan City to complete her look.
