
My Most Comfortable Shoes From Camper


DesZeLL・20 Oct 2010


After I wrote this post about finding a pair of Camper, I visited their outlet at Plaza Indonesia around the time after I received my paycheck. I went to Plaza Indonesia, with the determination to go out from there with a pair of Camper shoes. I had the shopping list in my hand and I tried not to get distracted, which means avoiding going into other stores before I get what I want.

Good news is that the strappy black wedge that I want was on sale for 30%! And according to what I read from the comments on my previous post that the price of Camper in Jakarta is relatively cheaper than in Singapore. But, the bad news is that there’s only 1 size left, which is a size 35 whereas I’m a 38!

I want shoes that I can wear on daily basis, also I want to be able to wear it with a jeans and casual outfit to my feminine and frilly dresses. I thought the black lace-up shoes are too formal so I chose the t-strap instead but instead the blue one, I chose a taupe pair. And here it is me and my t-strap heels .

I love how the colour is so unique and yet it’s still neutral. Eventhough it’s heeled, but I can wear this to go for shopping for hours! I tried to make the blazer looks more relaxed by adding a sash to it.

  • Dress & Sash: Custom made
  • Blazer: Atmosphere
  • Bag: Mango
  • Shoes: Camper

So what do you think of my new shoes? Here’s a close up shot of the shoes.

You can find other Camper shops in Senayan City 3rd Floor & The Wave Kuta Bali. Camper can also be found in LINEA Plaza Senayan 2nd Floor.

My Shopping Shoes Challenge With Camper

Now that you’ve seen my shopping shoes, what about if I tell you that Camper has kindly given two vouchers each worth Rp 1,500,000 and Rp 1,000,000 for two lucky winners. How do you get them? Simply by reading the instruction below carefully and follow each step as instructed. Are you ready? Here are the rules:

Contest Rule

  1. To be able to join this contest You have to be a member of  Female Daily. If you’re not, you can register here.
  2. Visit the nearest Camper store location from you and take a snapshot of your favourite shoes from their collection that you can see yourself wearing them shopping all day long. The picture can be taken with digital camera, Blackberry, mobile phone, iPhone or any devices that you see fit as long as the picture is clear enough. Tell the shop attendant that you’re joining the Fashionese Daily and Camper contest, so they won’t bug you for taking pictures in store 🙂
  3. Camper store can be found on these following locations: Plaza Indonesia 2nd Floor, Senayan City 2nd Floor and LINEA Plaza Senayan 2nd Floor.
  4. Once you’re done with taking the picture, go to this thread and post your picture there with a brief description about the shoes and why you choose that pair of shoes. Tell us also where do you think that shoes will take you in the future, after all good pair of shoes will take you to places. Maybe today it’s shopping at one of the mall in Jakarta, but months from now you have the chance to go shopping in Spain (where Camper originally comes from 🙂 ).
  5. Include a contactable email address when you submit your entry.
  6. The contest starts from today until 30 October 2010 and we will announce the winner on 3 November 2010.

Lastly,  good luck for everyone and start snapping away 🙂