
Clean Slate with White Dress

todays outfit

DesZeLL・05 Jul 2010


You’ve probably read it here, that a while ago we have TV crews from a prominent TV station came to our office. This is what I wore on that day, and I forgot the rule that white outfit is said to add extra 10 pounds on the screen *big sigh* But at least I wore Cargo Blu Ray mattifier and Mac Sculpt Foundation.

I was quite lucky that I got hold of this dress. The first time the Doo Ri for GAP collection popped at the GAP stores in Jakarta, I didn’t see this dress or it might have been sold out already. During my holiday trip to Melbourne, I visited the Direct Factory Outlet at South Warf area. My Mom was pointing out the dress at the mannequine and she said I should get it. Well, I didn’t snatch it right away because I had so many dresses already. But it was heavily discounted since it’s already passed 2 seasons, might as well get it. How I wish we have DFO here in Jakarta.

Would I buy the dress if it’s not on sale? Yes I would because  I love the cut of the dress but I was not in search for it because I couldn’t justify the spending at that time.