
Alleira Prepares for 2014 Show


dhnshrtn・27 Aug 2014


In the run-up to to solo fashion show by Alleira in October 2014, we were invited to a media gathering where we learned a little more about the theme and outfits that were going to be put on show this year. Alleira has always done well to stun us with their creativity in their quest to reinvent batik, and I’m sure that this year will be no different.

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This year’s theme, La Femme Fleurs — which translates to “The Woman of Flowers” — was inspired by both the delicate and steely beauty of all things floral. Expect to see touches that are romantic, tough, and lively all at once.

And because this will be a Alleira show, they will also be presenting sequences featuring outfits for men and children too; basically, more than 100 outfits will be making their way down the catwalk at their October show. I can only imagine how stressful being backstage at that show must be! I think I also should mention that one of the sequences will be modeled entirely by the ladies and wives of Jakarta’s embassies, in another creative attempt to show that modern batik is not just for Indonesians.

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It was also during this media gathering that it was announced Alleira would be taking baby steps in the F&B world by unveiling Gaia, a tea and cake specialist. Named after the Greek goddess Mother Earth; and just like their philosophy with batik, Gaia aims to bring the best tea from Indonesia and present it in a manner that’s appealing for the rest of the world. A lot of thought and research was put into the selection of Gaia teas, which was curated by renowned tea expert Ratna Somantri who spent months traveling all over Indonesia in search of the finest products from out best plantations.


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Til the timer to showtime counts down to the final few seconds, you can always whet your appetite by keeping up with Alleira through their website, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.