
Skin Recovery Products to the Rescue!

beauty school

dhnshrtn・24 Jun 2014


One of my most beloved skincare items at the moment is the Midnight Recovery Concentrate from Kiehl’s. This is a nighttime oil that comprises of squalene, evening primrose oil, and lavender oil that work together to help rapidly repair the skin barrier overnight for brighter and more taut skin in the morning. Of course I was initially cautious of such seemingly bombastic claims it made, but after a week of using it, I actually grew to really, really like it.

So far, this product has done a really good job of keeping my skin supple and hydrated throughout the night, and I never wake up in the morning with a film of oil that you might get with traditional night creams. My skin is generally happy in the mornings, with diminished redness on my cheeks (something I’ve pinned down to dehydration) and excellent oil control throughout the night. Oh and have I mentioned how amazing it smells! It smells like nose-diving into a swimming pool of liquid lavender — super soothing and calming, perfect for nighttime use.

My experience with the Midnight Recovery Concentrate has made me less skeptical about the claims of products that promise results overnight, opening me up to an entire genre of skincare products that I’m now keen to try out: products that are designed for overnight repair and happier skin in the morning. Now OBVIOUSLY there’s no one product that can make your skin go from the the pockmarked surface of the moon to the smooth slick surface of a baby’s bottom — these skin recovery products are a meant to give your skincare regimen a helping hand towards better skin. One of the products I’m desperate to try out is the universally-adored Good Genes by Sunday Riley, but here are a couple more that are also waiting in the wings:

a skin rescuer kiehls

Skin Rescuer 
by Kiehl’s

This is actually a new product from Kiehl’s that I’m excited to try it out sometime soon. It was designed to counter the effects that stress has on skin — namely the manifestation of dehydration or inflammation. When I don’t get enough sleep, my skin does this weird thing where it gets puffy and retains water while getting super dehydrated. The Skin Rescuer was built as an “all-day hydrating formula” to combat just that, and regular use over time has proven effective in minimizing the future effects of stress on skin. With a price tag of IDR 540,000, it seems like an A-okay way to fight off sleepless nights over World Cup season.


a kypris beauty elixirBeauty Elixir I – 1,000 Roses by Kypris

Putri is actually the person responsible for calling my attention to this product. First of all, just look at that beautiful bottle. It looks like something out of an old-timey apothecary. I’m so easily swayed by packaging, it’s not even funny. This product had me at hello.

And then there’s the sales pitch: “Skin challenged by time and the elements such as unruly hormones or pollution.” I have unruly hormones and live in a city with no shortage of pollution! This product can benefit me! It lists ‘Love’ as the first ingredient (d’awww), followed by more familiar ones: virgin coconut oil, grape seed oil, a slew of other oils and extracts. The namesake and star ingredient is rose hip extract and rose oil, which work with other ingredients to “repair signs of environmental challenge to deliver dewy, glowing, rose-petal-soft skin.”

But here’s the caveat: a 59 mL bottle costs USD 225 (~IDR 2,700,000). Yikes. Maybe I’ll leave the beauty elixirs aside for now and stick to the much more economically sound serums.

codage spring break
Spring Break
by Codage

Oh boy, here comes another product with extremely swoon-worthy packaging. Codage of Paris offers a line of regular products and custom-made skincare. The Spring Break serum comes from the standard range of products, but there’s nothing standard about the bottling, marketing, or claims made by it.

Okay, so it was originally formulated to help skin recover from the harsh effects of winter weather, bringing about skin that is better hydrated, more radiant, better protected against pollutants, and   — ergo, the spring break for skin.

The serum contains “Exclusive moisturizing, antioxidant, anti-pollution and skin repair active ingredients work to rebuild the skin and its hydrolipid film while reinforcing its natural defences.” A further read of its ingredients show that this serum was designed as a detoxifier and skin repair agent, thanks to extracts of some really fly-sounding plants. And at €95 (~IDR 1,600,000) for a 30mL bottle, I wouldn’t be surprised if this thing can read and write too.

Is there an instant recovery serum that has worked (or not worked) for you? We’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below!