
What You Didn't Know About Being an Account Executive at Female Daily

female daily network

Hanzky・21 Oct 2013


We are currently recruiting people for a few positions, one of them is to fill Account Executive (AE) vacancy. While interviewing some candidates, I realized how little most people know about the job and what it really entails. There are a few misconceptions about being an “AE” that I feel obliged to explain it. While I certainly can’t speak for all Account Executives working in other companies, I hope this post will give you a better picture of what it really means to work as an AE in our company and how interesting the job actually is.

1. It’s a creative job

But, it’s a sales job! I’m sure some of you are thinking that. While it’s true, Account Executive is responsible for generating revenue for the company through advertisement/campaign placement, a big part of an AE job at Female Daily actually involves creativity. Each of our client has very specific needs that are different from one to another. They have different objectives, different messages to communicate, different sets of metrics to measure their success – and it’s an AE’s job to come up with a campaign strategy that addresses those needs. An AE has to be able to think strategically and creatively – because they don’t only have the clients’ needs in mind, but they have to think about how a specific campaign will be accepted by you – our dear members. So it’s not a rare sight at the office where our AEs have a brainstorming sessions with the editorial team, creative team or even our event team, to come up with a stellar creative campaign for her client.

Creative brainstorm session….in costumes.

2. No client is the same

As I said above, each client at Female Daily is unique. So just because they come from the same industry, doesn’t mean you can apply the exact same strategy for both companies. I personally think this is what makes AE job interesting and ever evolving because you always face a new sets of challenge that are different from one day to the next. This pushes you to learn and relearn all aspects of the job continuously so you’ll always be able to serve the clients well.

3. Variety is key

It goes without saying that AE job involves meeting a lot of people. But when thinking about Female Daily, most people assume that we deal with only typically “female” clients such as fashion or cosmetic brands. Not true! We do work with many fashion and beauty brands, however, the type of clients we have been working with these past few years go way way beyond those. We have clients from technology companies, FMCG (fast moving consumer goods), automotive, banking, tourism, pharmaceuticals, household, eCommerce and many more. And this is also what’s exciting about the job because you might be attending the launch of the newest and hottest cosmetic product one day, and the next, you are in a meeting with a client, discussing on how to help underprivileged children in Pulau Nias. Who can say that about their jobs?


One of the events we did for our client.

4. Beyond the job scope

We’re a small company with a strong culture and one of them is we love to see our team members grow their interest and passion here at Female Daily. We not only allow, but encourage everyone to get involved in other aspects of the business which they are keen to learn more about. So be it writing, making videos, community building or event planning – you will definitely learn something else other than your own job at Female Daily. Have a business idea that you think can be the next big thing? We even have an intrapreneurship program where we encourage everyone to submit their business ideas and if proven to be sound, we can execute it together!

So that’s more or less what it’s really like to be working as an Account Executive at Female Daily. Does that sound like the job you’ve always wanted? Well why not send in your application and we’ll talk more! 😉