beauty school

Clarisonic Mia: The Review


Ambung/ 28


Eventually, I bought this Clarisonic Mia after Deszell had introduced it to me a year ago and then, Orangeginger, another FD fellow, got herself one of these as well six months ago. She said she loves it dearly.

While I am writing this review, I have been using it for over three weeks, with more than 10 times of uses (I lost count). My plan is to use my Mia on every other day for one month, and reduce the frequency for twice a week thereafter. I read couple of reviews where they do not suggest using it every day. Twice or thrice a week is the best. It’s just like how you do with your scrub-wash, you surely do not want to have it on your face every single day.

Want to know more about it? Let’s!





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