
5 Unusual Beauty Tricks

beauty school

Leija・09 Mar 2012


The beauty tricks we are going to share are somewhat unusual because they, for example, require applying stuff that are not supposed to be on your face (eyedrops? Deodorant?). But hey, if it works, saves our time, and adds value to our beauty and skincare products, why not?

1. We may have a double-chin laughter emoticon [note: it looks like this =)))], but to have a double-chin in real life? Who wants that? Well, you can’t fight gravity and age, so it’s often inevitable. But when you’re preparing yourself for a big event and desperate to reduce a bit of that chin puffiness for a few hours, try caffeine-rich cellulite creams. Caffeine acts as a diuretic and sucks the water right out of the puffy zone. Apply the cream on your jawline, and enjoy having your chin de-puff noticeably for 3-4 hours.
