
Goodies Under 100K: Aztec Clay Mask

beauty school

rere・06 Mar 2012


Normally, I’m not that well informed about the latest hype on our beloved Forum’s skin care threads. It seems that there are always new “must try” skin care brands or skin care products popping up every week, and I have too short of a n attention span to follow all the excitement. However, every now and then, there will be some items that catch my fancy, and I’ll end up trying them.

I was browsing FD’s Beauty Market Plaza when I saw Aztec Clay Mask for share. After browsing the forum’s Skin Care thread, I decided to Google for some more information and come to good reviews regarding this mask. Here’s the excerpt from the package:

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay, “World’s Most Powerful Facial”

Aztec Indian Healing Clay helps to remove dirt and impurities from the pores of the skin. The clay is beneficial for deep pore cleansing.

Aztec Secret Healing Indian Clay is bentonite clay, considered to be the very finest. This clay comes from Death Valley, California. It is sun dried for up to six months in temperatures that reach up to 134 degrees. Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay contains over 50 natural mineral compounds.
