
YSL Celebrating 50 Years of Perfume Creation

beauty school

DesZeLL・12 Jan 2012


Has it really been fifty years since Yves Saint Laurent first created their perfume? As a House of Fragrance, YSL is a household name as much as they are as a House of Couture. Through their fifty years journey, they’ve created some of the most epic perfumes. To celebrate their fiftieth years in creating perfumes, YSL brought back eight of their cult fragrances for men and women with new bottles.

The men’s fragrances are Pour Homme, Jazz, M7 Oud Absolua and Rive Gauche Pour Homme which will be given a new house in black square boxes. A colour described as ‘The emblematic color of Monsieur Saint Laurent’.

Whereas the women’s fragrances set in simple and minimal same box with sensual matte beige colour that reminds you of the bare skin of a woman. The perfume  that were brought back by YSL were Y, Yvresse, In Love Again and Nu.

Together, the full collection forms a chess board, symbolizing queens and kings spread on the chess board of life.

But, what about if we walk down the memory lane and see the original bottle or campaign of the eight fragrances that maybe your grandparents, parents or even yourself wear once upon a time?