
Boy Crazy, part 2


Leija・20 Oct 2011


Men’s Watches

I always have a fascination towards men’s watches. I like how they’re usually water resistant, shock resistant, and much more readable than the small-faced, ladies watches. Nowadays, there are slightly smaller, lighter men’s watches as opposed to the bulky, athlete-style ones, and you can pick the model that is most appropriate for your wrist. For a bolder look, combine them with stacks of bracelets.

Hair Cut

When the weather becomes too hot to handle, and you simply cannot bear another bad hair day, why don’t you resort to short, androgynous haircuts?

We’re already familiar with the pixie cut (made famous by Audrey Hepburn and Twiggy), the pageboy (made famous by The Beatles), and even that emo hair cut with the sweeping bangs. However, these days, there are many other inspirations for boyish hairstyles you can take note from—even the pixie cut has many variations!

I’d say, don’t get too caught up with the ‘rules’ of short haircut. If you think you’d like it, go for it. However, if you’re transitioning from long, flowy hair, chop off your hair gradually. Don’t go from super-long to super short in a day to avoid disappointment.




Probably my very favorite element to steal from boys’ look—men’s accessories. Nowadays, city boys accessorize themselves too you know, from fierce eye catching necklaces to big, bad rings. And if you’re never into delicate, dainty accessorize (like me), this should be a fun option to look at. My absolute favorite is the ones from En Garde Artilleries (local brand!), which carries designs that are inspired by old-time battles. What I like about them is they’re underrated and not too bulky, but still has edge.