
Live With Less Cosmetics: Share, Swap & Sell

beauty school

DesZeLL・19 Sep 2011


Before you scream in horror, oh yes we definitely can do it! Let me tell you something. I’m a beauty junkie. Big news, no?

At one point in my life I own 60 blushes. That’s right, I didn’t mistakenly put an extra ‘0’ there. Apparently, I’m not the only one. In Female Daily, I’ve found kindred spirit in fellow beauty addicts scattered all over Makeup Addict Forum. I don’t feel I’m weird nor different. There were others like me whose hearts sometimes skip a beat seeing a limited edition beauty product and despite the plethora of products that have only been used once or twice, even never on their vanity table, they still want to get their hands on it.

But now, my blushes have gone down to 20. That’s a giant leap for me, considering I used to own 60. So now I’m only owning one third of what I used to have. I’m a reform beauty addict. I know sometimes letting go is so hard to do. But think about it. What would you do with those unreasonable amount of blushes, eyeshadows, lipsticks, eyeliners and who knows what else! When would you would wear them? Never? Yes, we know how hard you fought to get hold on those. But if you haven’t worn them for the last 1 year, what are the chances that you’re going to wear it? It’s time to let go and find your beloved beauty items a nicer home to go to.

Like any addiction program, we have three steps that you can follow to reduce your stash:

Share – if you have any items that you can share – moisturizer, creams, BB Cream, Foundation, Pigment, etc – and you know you won’t need a full size of that product, offer a share to fellow FD-ers. I know they would be interested. I found getting a sample of product satisfy my curiosity about the product and help me not dish my money to buy the full size product. It also lets me know whether this particular product would be a staple or not in my trunk case and whether I need to get a full size.

Swap – I have found many products that I loved because of Swapping. Even though you’re swapping your products with something that you might not consider buying yourself, but it’s also a chance to get rid of the products that you never or hardly used and try something new. Who knows, you or the person you’re swapping with might find a HG item out of it. This one time, I swap one of my beloved Lunasol Creamy Foundation with Erweniati’s RMK Liquid Foundation for Oily Skin. We both love the formula of the foundation because it perfectly suits our skin condition; mine is dry and Erweniati is oily. However, the shade wasn’t really a perfect match. Turned out, we found our new HG foundation and we don’t need to cash out any money to find another foundation that we love. We just give away something that we don’t use anymore. There are many ways to swap, you can do it on our forum, Makeup Alley or even when you have a chat with your fellow beauty addict. Arrange a makeup playdate and bring along the products that you haven’t worn for the last one year and maybe you would find something exciting in your best friend’s stash.

Sell– If you don’t want any new item in your stash, the best way is to sell it in our beloved Market Plaza. It’s filled with eager buyer wanting to find that hard to find items. There’s always a good home awaiting your beloved beauty items.

So tell me, what beauty addiction do you currently hold? 30 blushes? 50 lipsticks? 10 foundations? Tell us your number. We promise we won’t judge 🙂