
Have You Tried Something New This Year?

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DesZeLL・05 Aug 2011


I’ve made a major decision last year. I came out of my shell -that is the job I’ve comfortably held on to for the last 6 years- and took a giant leap to be writer. Although I’m passionate about my current job at Female Daily, but a lot of it consists of writing. And I used to tell myself that I couldn’t do it at all.

This experience has taught me to never be scared to try anything new and see challenges as opportunities. So at the beginning of the year, I made a new year resolutions like everyone else. It only consists of one thing, which is to try something new that I’ve never done before. It’s mid-year already, I’ve short listed a couple of things:

  1. The one that made the top of my list is actually to learn at least one new language. I had Korean or French in mind, but with my hectic schedule when am I going to find the time to enroll myself in a class? So I scratch that one out.
  2. Vanya suggested me to go for diving because she saw a diving lesson (or was that trip?) discount voucher at DealKeren. Well maybe I should learn how to swim first, because believe it or not I can’t swim! So that’s not possible either.
  3. Take a trip alone somewhere in Indonesia. If I can go on a holiday alone abroad, why can’t I do it here in Indonesia?

So out of the three that made to my list, only the last one sounds reasonable enough. My daughter is going to have her holiday for Ramadhan soon so I will have a week at the most on my own. So I really got to take this opportunity or it will never happen. I love going on a trip alone, because once in a while I need that quietness in my life that I seldom have. But with the Lebaran break coming, I can’t go anywhere too far for too long. So I decided that I’m going to Bandung 🙂

Yeah I know after all the adventurous list, I ended up going somewhere very common. But I’ve never gone there alone, so that’s something new. So here’s what I did:

  1. I purchased a DayTrans travel ticket to Bandung from DealKeren that I see from visiting the site when Vanya suggested to me to take a diving lesson. That saves me 50% off from the fare and I can take them from Senayan City. Believe it or not, I’ve never taken travel to Bandung so that’s something new for me.
  2. I happened to see a deal at DealKeren for Jayakarta Hotel that sold for only Rp 480,000 from it’s regular price Rp 1,200,000. I purchased that too! Super happy with my 60% saving and it’s a comfortable room some more.
  3. Pencil in the trip on my agenda for third week of August. I heavily relied on my agenda to organize everything.

So that’s about it! Hope I’ll be able to make this trip happen. Have you tried something new lately? Go somewhere new, try a new restaurant or maybe really did take a diving lessons?

Clueless? No worry! DealKeren has all the guidelines for you to try something new. Just visit DealKeren and feel free to explore the best hotel discounts that they offer. It’s Cool To Try New Things!