
A Week in Style: The Interior Designer


affi・14 Dec 2010


I’m so excited to launch this new column! Yep, we have a new regular story which we think is something interesting to look forward to every month.

It’s called A Week in Style, and we basically want to feature women from different professions and their day-to-day style. Different jobs require different outfits and it’s always interesting to see how women play around with the items in their wardrobe, not only to dress according to what the jobs require from her, but also to express her own personal style!

Each month, we will feature how one woman dresses from Monday to Friday complete with a short interview on her daily activities as well as what her personal style is like.

For the first edition, let’s give a big round of applause for Indria Debora! She’s a an Interior Designer who lives in Surabaya who’s also a mom of an adorable 4 year-old girl, Sacha. And as it happens, she is also my cousin! 😀

Let’s get to know her a little bit.

Hi Indri! Wow you’re an interior designer, how exciting! Bisa diceritain nggak kegiatan sehari-harinya kayak apa?

Dalam 5 hari kerja (Senin-Jumat) kegiatan selama bekerja di bagi antara bekerja di studio untuk mendesain dan internal meeting/brainstorming bersama team (Arsitek, Ahli Sipil dan Ahli Mechanical Electrical) dan juga bekerja di luar kantor seperti meeting dengan klien dan meninjau ke lapangan/proyek.

Ada do’s and don’ts dalam berpakaian untuk kerja?

Dalam berpakaian untuk ke kantor tidak ada do or don’ts, apa yang nyaman aku pakai selama tetap sopan. Karena kegiatan aku selama bekerja banyak menuntut gerak terutama jika sedang berada di lapangan/proyek maka aku memilih pakaian yang nyaman, simple, dan dari jenis bahan juga harus yang menyerap keringat.

Karena bekerja dengan rata-rata pekerja laki-laki di lapangan, aku lebih nyaman jika memakai celana dan flat shoes karena lebih memudahkan jika diharuskan bergerak secara aktif (misal berlari, naik-turun tangga/lift barang) Sesekali aku juga suka memakai rok atau simple dress yang dipadukan dengan buttonloss outerwear & high heel untuk acara kantor yang bersifat formal seperti meeting atau bertemu dengan klien.

How about your own personal style? Can you describe it to us?

Classic, edgy & vintage style. Aku suka banget sama fashion style era 70-90’s

What are the must-have items in your wardrobe?

My must-have item:

  • Jeans & pants (pipe, highwaist, quarter)
  • Outerwear
  • Flat shoes, oxford shoes, wedges yg nyaman di kaki di pakai sehari-hari ke kantor/proyek
  • Sling/shoulder, hobo, tote bag (yg ukuran besar yang bisa memuat notebook, netbook, kosmetik, sampai alat ukur meteran)
  • Sun glasses
  • Sunblock

Do you want to be featured? Please send us your name, age, profession along with a photograph of yourself and send it to info@fashionesedaily.com We’ll contact you with further details! 🙂