
How to Best Deal With Sale Season?


DesZeLL・01 Dec 2010


The end of year sale season is here already! With big signs showing how far they’re willing to slash down prices even up to 75%! Sometimes you can get very disoriented during sale season because everything becomes so cheap that you want to get every single one of them! But how to best shop during sale season?

The basic question that I ask myself before grabbing something from the sale rack are:

  1. Whether I’m going to buy it if it’s not being marked down. The chances are, if you don’t wan’t it when it’s at full price, you might not wear it because it’s just isn’t you! They might end up being left untouched in your wardrobe.
  2. Never buy something that is a size too small, even if you promise yourself that you’re going to go on diet just for the sake to fit into that perfect jeans or dress, it’s less likely that you will eventually fit into them. If you really want to get thinner, you’ve probably already done it before you meet that jeans or dress. Bottom line, skip it! If it’s a size too big, there’s still a way around it. You can take it to your tailor to alter it but given there are still chances that it might not result in a perfect cut.
  3. Is the item reasonably priced even after the sale? Sometime a simple tee can be marked down up to 80% but you will just buy it just because of the sake of the brand without really thinking whether that simple tee 20% price that you pay is really worth the money you’re spending.

If you’re sure of the answers to all of the above then you’re good to go. Here are some shopping tips during sale season from the smart shoppers who follow us on Twitter 🙂

  1. Make a shopping list (or list of shop that you want to go) before heading to the mall and list them based on priority.
  2. Bring certain amount of cash on your wallet that you already intend to spend during this period and only bring the credit card that you know you can use for shopping and leave the rest at home. Sale tends to make people overspend and go out of their budget.
  3. If you can, visit the sale during their first day where they still have many sizes and colours and don’t wait until further reduction where there’s only one size left. If you think you don’t really need or want them, then it’s alright to wait longer.
  4. Check carefully the goods that you’re about to purchase. Make sure they’re in mint condition. Sometime they’re on sale for a reason, for instance they’re missing a button or the fabric is not perfect anymore.
  5. If you have a membership card, bring it with you because some merchants offers extra discounts or offers for their members during sale period.
  6. Some stores offer additional discount for certain credit card, which varies in numbers. Check with the stores whether there’s additional benefit if you’re paying with a credit card from certain bank.
  7. If you’re going on midnight sale try to come in pair, because that way you can take turns. You don’t want to be stuck at the cash register for far too long don’t you? Where one of you can scour for the best sale item, the other can queue at the cash register.

Lastly, before heading to the sale war zone, it’s wise that you fill up your tummy so you wouldn’t make any rush judgment regarding the item because you’re too hungry. Going shopping on sale period while you’re upset is also unwise, you will end up spending more than you planned to. Also, take your time when shopping and enjoy while the sale lasts.

Happy shopping everyone and share us your latest sale find in this thread and update us on the good thing that we can find in that sale. You can also share us the latest purchase in this thread.