
My Shopping Shoes Challenge with Camper Winners!


DesZeLL・03 Nov 2010


Finally, the announcement time for My Shopping Shoes Challenge with Camper has come! It’s really hard for the Camper team to decide who will be the first and second prize winners because all of you wrote such a beautiful entry about the shoes and your dream with them. But too bad there can only be two winners.

Well here we go, the winners for this contest are *drumroll*:

  1. 1st Winner: Nopai is taking home Rp 1,500,000 voucher
  2. 2nd Winner: Illumina is taking home Rp 1,000,000 voucher

Congratulations for both of you! Please kindly email us your real name, address, phone number and ID number to contest@fashionesedaily.com with subject ‘My Shopping Shoes Challenge with Camper’ so that we can process your prize.

Here are the shopping shoes story the winners:

I was a ‘high-heel’ female professional working in software and then construction industry. My life changed three years ago when I started carrying one of God’s most precious gift for female human being. I was expecting Maika.

People said that life will never be the same after married and having children. It is true and it applies literaly to my feet. I have become ‘a lady on flat shoes’ – taking my life analogy to ‘girl with green scarf’.

There are moment where girls would like to feel pretty and women would like to feel sexy. ‘High-heel’ shoes are among the ultimate means to feel ‘good’ from elaboration of female posture and curves. A whisper to the surrounding ‘I am sexy’.

Camper. Yes, that is the name of my mobility partner after having Maika. They are soft, light, non-slippery and most importantly comfortable.

A girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. I have my moment dreaming my days on ‘high-heel’ and missing the feeling of being true opposite of man. My hunt begun and I found my feet’s tolerance for pain and discomfort has changed dramatically. They can not stand commonly attractive ‘high-heel’ shoes.

Today I found a black ‘high-heel’ Camper and I am contemplating to bring them to cashier. They are surprisingly ‘Camper-table’. Oh, I wish I could pay them with a Camper story.


Pilihanku jatuh pada sepatu dengan model T-strap ini, dengan strip merah yang menyala di atas warna suede gray.

Sekali lihat aku yakin, sepatu ini bisa membuat ku PD kemana pun pergi dan sejauh apapun melangkah.

Sepatu dengan tinggi hak yang tepat dan nyaman, rubber sole terlihat mantap dan pas sekali untuk menemani langkah yang membutuhkan pijakan tepat, tanpa harus terpeleset atau menjadi seorang gadis ‘mentos’. Dan yang paling penting dia empuk banget pas dipakai, bye-bye dah kepada pegel pas jalan jarak jauh.

Modelnya juga bisa menyatu dengan aktivitas apa saja, dari formal seperti meeting atau presentasi, hangout bareng teman atau menemani olah raga berbelanja mengelilingi mall

Sepatu dengan tapak kembang ini akan menemaniku meraih gelar Magister, berpetualang di Macau & Hongkong, dan mungkin kembali menjelajahi Eropa.


For other shoes story, you can read them here, after all there’s more to your shoes because they will take you to different places in your life.

We would like to thank everyone that have participated in this contest and for those of you who haven’t got the chance to participate, just cross your fingers and wish that we’re going to have another contest with Camper 🙂

In the mean time don’t forget to check Camper store located near you to peek into their comfortable and stylish shoes.