
Two New Family Members! :)


affi・18 Oct 2010


It is with great pleasure we introduce to you two beautiful young ladies, who have been making our small fuchsia office even smaller (but livelier for sure!) for the past one month. Ladies, please meet our 2 new interns, Syita and Rizka!

If you’re a long-time member of Female Daily forum, then you probably know Syita, or Kembang Goela as she is called in the forum. Syita is in her final year of being a student at Prasetya Mulya and before she graduates, she decided to take on a new challenge by joining The Daily Media. Syita is now helping us with our project: a membership card program which we have been cooking up for some time but never quite got done 😀 Well now with Syita around, your waiting period will be a lot shorter. Pretty soon you’ll be able to join so many perks from our membership card!

The other intern, Rizka, may not be a forum member before, but she is definitely not new in the media industry. Before joining The Daily Media as fashion reporter, she used to work at The Jakarta Post as a proof reader. Rizka is currently studying English literature in Bina Nusantara. With her passion in fashion and remarkably promising writing skill, Rizka is at a full speed to bring to you even more news and updates on fashion and beauty.

Now why don’t we have a little chat with the 2 of them and get to know these smart and stylish ladies!

Sejak kapan kenal Fashionese Daily dan gimana ceritanya?

Syita: Aku pertama kali kenal Fashionese Daily dari blog http://whodoyouthinkheare.blogspot.com/ (RIP Mpok Jane and Neng Sarah) sebelum FD forum berdiri, Hanzky masih tinggal di US, dan Affi (Koukla) was a faceless barbie. Hehe. FD was my 1st online cosmetic bible. Perkenalan aku dengan para ‘senior’ FD (Waving to Koukla, Dunia Dandan, Deszell, Vveen, Nopai) adalah yang membuka mata aku bahwa being a make-up lover, getting obsessed with cosmetics or dreaming to be a make-up artist is not a sin. LOL. Sebenarnya dari kecil aku udah suka banget sama make-up, tapi baru punya kesempatan untuk belajar ya setelah kenal FD ini. Dari cuma ikutan kelas dandan sampai ambil commercial make up short course di Puspita Martha.

Rizka: Nggak inget pasti awalnya kapan &gimana kenal FD. Sekitar setahun atau dua tahun yang lalu kayaknya. Pas banget sama masa-masa awal pake BB jadi langsung di bookmark di web browser dan dibaca-baca kalo lagi bengong.

Kenapa tertarik bergabung dengan FD sebagai intern?

Syita: This isn’t only a fine opportunity. Aku mengikuti perkembangan FD dari awal, dari masih baby sampai sekarang udah jadi toddler :). So I can see that this company is on its way up. Selain itu, The Daily Media juga memiliki network yang luas, terutama di bidang beauty industry, yang aku percaya suatu saat akan berguna untuk karir aku ke depan. Poin tambahannya lagi, aku udah kenal baik dengan kalian. Hehehe. Who doesn’t want to be a part of this appealing company? Because I really do 🙂

Rizka: Pertama karena suka dunia fashion & media. Sebelumnya sempet magang juga di harian berbahasa Inggris & nyumbang artikel sesekali. Minat sama fashion tapi nggak ada kesempatan nulis artikel fashion disana. Jadi begitu liat pengumuman FD buka lowongan intern, langsung jatuh hati sama job descriptionnya & ngerasa cocok sama kriteria-kriteria yang disebutin 😀

Sekarang kan udah ngantor beberapa minggu nih di FD, gimana kesan-kesannya? (awas ya kalo yang jelek-jelek hahaha)

Syita: Seru banget! Our office is like a female-only dormitory. We share nail polishes, makeup, food, and gossips just like the girls in Mallory Towers do. Hehe. Sampai sejauh ini sih aku belum pernah merasa malas atau terpaksa ke kantor. Setiap hari selalu ada ide-ide kreatif baru yang aku pelajari dari kalian. Not to mention the awesome perks and the chances of being invited to the coolest events in town that we get as FD crews.. Yay!

Rizka: Hari pertama ngantor di FD tanggal 20 Sept kemarin, berarti udah sekitar 3 minggu intern di sana. Kesannya seneng & bersemangat 😀 Jadi terpacu buat selalu up-to-date sama info-info fashion, sering dapet undangan event fashion & benda-benda gratisan juga. Ternyata jadi fashion reporter bener-bener lebih menyenangkan dari yang dibayangkan hehehe

Where do u see yourself in 5 year’s time or after you graduate?

Syita: (Kak Affi, this isn’t a job interview! :P) I always adore people who are being paid to do something they consider fun for a living (like you, Hanzky, Thomas, Vanya, and Amal are doing at The Daily Media). In five years time, I see myself working at two things I’m truly passionate about, to be more precise as a professional in beauty industry and an entrepreneur in wedding industry.

Rizka: Niatnya kalo sudah lulus kuliah nanti tetep di dunia fashion media, tapi lebih fokus dan berkembang pastinya.

Describe your personal/fashion style!

Syita: I’m a girly girl who choose dresses over jeans. I rarely wear t-shirts and only wear them to the gym :D. I collect various kinds of black dresses. One can never have too many black dresses, can’t we?

Rizka: Gaya personal atau sehari-hari lebih cenderung milih outfit yang practical, berhubung aktivitas sehari-hari perlu mobilitas tinggi. Panas, hujan, liputan, kuliah jadi faktor penting buat milih apa yg mau dipakai hari itu. Jauh di lubuk hati sebenernya penggemar high-heels, tapi sayang ga setiap kesempatan bisa pake.

What do you hope to gain from this experience in interning for FD?

Syita: (Hmm..another tricky question :p) I personally think that The Daily Media is the right place for the kind of person who loves to learn new things and easily get bored like moi. Each client presents new challenges and pushes us to think out of the box. I hope I will gain some valuable work experiences as well as expanding my personal network and make connections with the beauty insiders.

Rizka: Berharapnya bisa banyak belajar dari internship ini.Dan memang udah banyak ilmu yg dipelajari sih, dari cara posting artikel, cari sumber berita, sampai belajar motret juga.

Once again welcome Syita & Rizka! It’s a pleasure having you both around!