
Going Flat after The Show


DYS・03 Oct 2008


“Without a shadow of a doubt, the handbag is less important, and the shoe and the long stretch of leg have arrived in New York like a tornado force. The women are all in these spidery strapped shoes, usually black, very high heels. All over the city you’ll seem them changing their shoes into comfy flats and putting the high heels away.” Bill Cunningham

New York Fashion Week has ended weeks ago, but I can’t help not to post these interesting snapshots during the fashion week. Long before Scott Schuman made The Sartorialist famous for its candid shots, Bill Cunningham has been capturing fabulous candid shots and street snaps for the New York Times. At the recent New York Fashion Week, Cunningham amazingly captured one of the most common thing that most women did after seeing the shows at the Tent: changing their shoes into comfy flats and putting away their painful sky high heels *which is quite a daily routine among New York women especially during the morning and evening rush hour.

See more photos of gorgeous heels and to-die-for shoes as captured by Cunningham, after the jump.