
muslim fashion

Ipekevi, the Turkish Shawl

You’ve probably noticed how Turkish muslimah take on the same hijab style, like the one we covered in this article. A simple square or long hijab is worn around the face and the rest tucked to the back. It’s simple, nothing fancy. Fine silk or cotton with a high density material are commonly used, creating thick, silky-velvety texture. It creates angles that frame the face, with lines that are not too neat, for a je ne sais quoi appeal. If you’re looking for that kind of shawl, you check out Ipekevi, a brand that became widely known for Turkish shawl. Dian Pelangi recently brought this trend in from her Europe trip and posted pictures of herself using this Ipekevi on Instagram.

Dian Pelangi, Lulu Elhasbu and Afra Nurina wore Ipekevi


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