

Reminder : Vote for Tifa


Hanzky/ 74


Okay all, here’s our last call for those of you who have not had a chance to vote for # 1 Tifa. Let’s make sure she stay’s # 1. Voting deadline is tomorrow, Thursday, August 21 but make sure you vote as early as possible. Let’s get the word out and show her some love !

Dinda Alvita a.k.a Tifa
is a long time member at FD forum who has been doing freelance modeling since she was in college. Now she has just added a new list to her achievement, getting to the final round of Wajah Femina 2008!!. This will surely open doors and bring new opportunities for her in the modeling industry. Let’s support her by voting for her HERE, or you can sms as instructed below. Good Luck Tifa..:)


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